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It has already been almost 2 years since the Pandemic happened and would you believe that there are still many people out there who haven’t visited their dentist yet? Well, reality is many people are still very cautious to go out and scared to leave their house.

Though we encourage people to visit the dentist twice a year (every 6 months at least), the situation is very understandable.

So here we are, sharing 6 tips for everybody to practice in their daily lives.


Dental Tip 4 Brush. brush, atleast twice a day - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

People love to eat and munch on snacks especially now that most of the time we are stuck at home. Bits of food mix with the bacteria inside your mouth which develops into plaque which may damage your teeth, allowing occurrence of decay.

Brushing twice a day helps prevent buildup of tartar or plaque because you get to remove all those food particles left inside your mouth. Another advantage in doing this practice helps prevent bad breath happening as well.

Lastly, brushing twice daily helps improve your gum health. This will lessen gum bleeding, gum inflammation, periodontal issues, bone loss and teeth loss.

Make brushing more fun while listening to your favorite songs or watching short videos or whatever added activity you can think of to make your brushing experience enjoyable.

Dental Tip 3 Flouride toothpaste please - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

While you learn to love the habit of brushing your teeth at least twice a day, make sure you use toothpaste that has fluoride content.


  • Fluoride helps strengthen your teeth and aids in slowing the production of acid of the bacteria caused by plaque
  • Fluoride promotes remineralization
  • Fluoride helps in reversing early signs of tooth decay

Note: Too much fluoride can also be bad for you, so make sure to just use the right amount and to overdo it. Don’t worry, most toothpaste that has fluoride content is not harmful to your teeth!

Dental Tip 2 Gotta love Flossing - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

People are aware that dental floss is readily available in the market, most of them purchase, try to use it a few times but get tired afterwards – Yes, we hear you! But just like the saying goes – practice makes perfect, and we tell you – with patience and regular flossing/practice, you’ll be a pro in no time.

Doing this will help remove plaque and tartar stuck in between your teeth. If not removed, it may cause gingivitis / gum disease. This can also help you stay away from cavities, and other heart problems too!

Dental Tip 5 Replace toothbrush regularly - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

You gotta love brushing but you need not love one toothbrush alone for months/years – you need to replace them regularly (after two to three months is recommended). Over time, the bristles will weaken and get worn out which might affect its ability and effectivity to brush or clean the areas well. This might allow more bacteria buildup even gum disease, even tooth decay.

Dental Tip 6 Drink lots of water - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

Drinking lots of water is important not just for your oral health, but overall health. It can prevent dehydration, keep normal temperature, help flush bacteria in the body and a lot more. It is beneficial in keeping your body and mouth healthy at the same time.


Dental Tip 1 Dont forget ypur fruits and veggies - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

Same with Tip #5, eating healthy is not just for your oral health but overall health. But did you know that benefits of eating fruits and veggies can also help your bones stronger, hence your teeth too! Again, it is beneficial in keeping your body and mouth healthy at the same time.

So there you have it, 6 simple dental tips to keep your oral health in shape, keeping your mouth and teeth healthy, even when just at home!