Blog Archives - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center Wed, 28 Feb 2024 03:28:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog Archives - Apostol 32 32 How to Choose Between Dental Implants and Bridges Wed, 28 Feb 2024 03:28:01 +0000 Tooth loss is a common oral health problem that can result from tooth decay, gum disease, dental trauma, or autoimmune conditions. Its impact extends beyond oral health, affecting both appearance...

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Tooth loss is a common oral health problem that can result from tooth decay, gum disease, dental trauma, or autoimmune conditions. Its impact extends beyond oral health, affecting both appearance and overall quality of life. Left untreated, it may lead to difficulty chewing, inadequate nutrition, and problems with self-esteem. Thankfully, dental professionals can offer a range of solutions to restore lost teeth, such as dental implants and bridges.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are a form of dental restoration used to fill the gap or space between two healthy teeth in case one or more teeth are missing. They typically consist of two or more crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap (abutment teeth) and a false tooth in between. False or artificial teeth, known as pontics, can be made from various materials, such as porcelain, gold, alloys, or combinations. 


What Are the Benefits of Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges offer a comprehensive solution for tooth loss. They can help address both functional and aesthetic concerns of individuals experiencing tooth loss.

  • Restoring Smile – Fixed bridges are designed to fill the gap left by the missing teeth, restoring a seamless and natural-looking smile. They are customized to match the color, shape, and size of the surrounding teeth, ensuring a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing dental restoration.
  • Enhanced Chewing Comfort – Tooth loss can make eating uncomfortable and painful when the adjacent teeth shift towards the open space. Additionally, food particles can accumulate in the empty socket. Dental fixed bridges can make chewing more comfortable by filling gaps between teeth to restore dental arch function.
  • Improved Speaking – Missing teeth can affect speech, causing pronunciation difficulties or lisping. Dental bridges can help address these issues by bridging the gaps and restoring the proper alignment and spacing of the teeth.
  • Preservation of Facial Structure – The roots of the teeth are crucial for stimulating the bone cells in the jaw. Without this stimulation, it can lead to severe jawbone deterioration, further tooth loss, and facial collapse. Dental fixed bridges support the natural contours of the face and maintain its alignment.
  • Prevention of Teeth Shifting – When a tooth is lost, the adjacent teeth may shift or tilt into the open space. This causes misalignment and oral complications like tooth decay, bite changes, and gum disease. Dental bridges prevent this shifting by filling the gap and providing stability to the surrounding teeth.


What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium posts surgically implanted into the jawbone to provide support for a replacement tooth or bridge. These implants replicate the entire structure of a natural tooth, from the root to the crown. Over time, they fuse with the natural bone in the jaw to prevent bone loss and provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth.


What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are often the preferred method of replacing missing or damaged teeth because of their numerous benefits. These include:


  • Natural Look and Feel – A dental implant closely resembles natural teeth, making chewing more comfortable compared to traditional dentures or bridges. It can also help preserve speech patterns by filling in gaps between teeth that could otherwise change airflow through the mouth during speech.
  • Longevity and Durability – Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance. The implant is constructed from titanium, a biocompatible material with excellent wear and decay resistance.
  • Preservation of Jawbone Health – A tooth loss may result in the weakening of the jawbone underneath. Dental implants can fuse with the jawbone through osseointegration. This process provides the necessary stimulation for natural bone growth to prevent bone loss and bone resorption, such as changes in facial structure.
  • Keeping the Adjacent Teeth Stable – A gap from a missing tooth can cause the adjacent teeth to crookedly shift towards the gap, leading to misalignment and biting and chewing issues. Dental implants can fill the space between the teeth and maintain the health of the surrounding teeth by preventing them from shifting out of place.
  • Minimizing Gum Disease – A gap left by a missing tooth can become a breeding ground for food particles and bacteria, leading to gum inflammation and potential complications. Dental implants prevent gum inflammation by securely integrating into the jawbone, making them easier to clean than other tooth replacements.


Key Considerations When Choosing Between Dental Implants and Bridges

When deciding between dental implants and fixed bridges, it is important to consider various factors, such as:

  • Number of Missing Teeth – The number of missing teeth is a key factor in deciding on the most appropriate treatment. Dental bridges are typically recommended for people with one or a few missing teeth. On the other hand, dental implants are a more suitable option for individuals with multiple missing teeth or, in certain instances, a full arch of lost teeth.
  • Adjacent Teeth’s Health – Dental bridges require using adjacent healthy teeth as support. If adjacent teeth are weak or compromised, dental implants may be a more suitable alternative. They are standalone structures that do not require adjacent teeth to be shaved.
  • Longevity – Dental implants typically last for a lifetime, whereas dental bridges generally last for 5–20 years. For instance, tooth decay can damage the tooth that holds the bridgework. However, implants are made from a biocompatible material resistant to decay.
  • Surgery vs. No Surgery – Dental implants involve a surgical procedure for placement, while dental bridges offer a non-surgical option. Dental bridges are more suitable for those who prefer not to undergo surgery or are not fit for surgery due to certain medical conditions.
  • Treatment Time – A dental implant requires a longer treatment time spanning over six months, as it involves multiple procedures such as extraction, bone grafting, sinus lift, and implant placement. On the other hand, dental bridges only require two to three dental visits over a few weeks.
  • Homecare Maintenance – Both dental implants and bridges require regular oral hygiene practices. While a fixed bridge involves using a floss threader, dental implants are easier to clean and maintain as they can be brushed and flossed like natural teeth.
  • Cost-Effectiveness – Dental implants are typically more expensive than dental bridges. However, considering their longevity and potential for long-term oral health benefits, they may be a cost-effective option in the long run.
  • Overall Health of the Patient – Dental implants involve a surgical procedure, which may affect the suitability of individuals with medical conditions that hinder healing, such as diabetes or leukemia. The ideal candidates for dental implants are in good general health and have a healthy jawbone free of decay.

In conclusion, dental implants and bridges are both effective options for restoring your smile after tooth loss. If you prioritize natural appearance and durability, implants are the optimal solution. On the other hand, bridges offer similar results at a lower initial cost but may require more long-term maintenance due to their reliance on surrounding teeth for support. Consulting a dental professional can help determine the right treatment for your specific case.

If you are seeking dental care for tooth loss, Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center is here to assist. Located in Makati, Philippines, we provide quality dental care services that cater to the unique needs of every patient. With a track record dating from 2010, we specialize in various tooth replacement procedures, including dental implants and fixed bridges. For more details or to book an appointment, contact us at 0917-8724929 or send us an email at


Dental Clinic in Makati | Meet Our Doctor

Dr. Jonas John Apostol, MSc

Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry

  • Masters in Esthetic Dentistry, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
  • Biomimetic Mastership, Alleman Center of Biomimetic Dentistry
  • Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) 
  • Services include Veneers, General Dentistry, Dentures, Dental Fixed Bridges, Dental Implants, Root Canal  treatment, Orthodontics or Braces, Oral Surgery, TMJ treatment, Periodontics and Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Specializing in Dental Cosmetic Services

Learn more about Dr. Apostol

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Common Myths About Getting a Dental Hollywood Smile Fri, 19 Jan 2024 06:46:21 +0000 In an era increasingly influenced by celebrities and media, the ‘Dental Hollywood Smile’ has become popular in cosmetic dentistry. It conjures images of pearly white, perfectly aligned teeth synonymous with...

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In an era increasingly influenced by celebrities and media, the ‘Dental Hollywood Smile’ has become popular in cosmetic dentistry. It conjures images of pearly white, perfectly aligned teeth synonymous with Hollywood celebrities. Despite its growing popularity, misconceptions about the Dental Hollywood Smile treatment are widespread. These misconceptions can deter people from seeking treatments that could dramatically improve their smiles and boost their confidence.


What is a Dental Hollywood Smile or Makeover?

A ‘Dental Hollywood Smile’ refers to a cosmetic dental treatment or set of procedures aimed at enhancing the aesthetics of one’s smile. The objective is to achieve a dazzling smile characterized by white, perfectly aligned, and shaped teeth. The Hollywood smile makeover encompasses a range of procedures tailored to meet individual dental needs and desired outcomes. These may include teeth whitening, veneers, braces, or dental crowns. Each treatment is carefully chosen to enhance the appearance of your smile, ensuring optimal results and a truly dazzling transformation.

Common Myths About Getting a Dental Hollywood Smile

Despite its rising prominence, there are several myths about getting a dental Hollywood smile that can be misleading. Let’s debunk some of these misconceptions:

Myth #1: Dental Hollywood Smiles are Only for Celebrities

The term ‘Hollywood Smile’ might suggest that this type of dental makeover is reserved exclusively for movie stars and celebrities. However, this is a myth. In reality, anyone seeking to improve the aesthetics of their smile can opt for a Hollywood smile makeover. Advances in dentistry have made these procedures accessible to anyone who dreams of a whiter, straighter, and more radiant smile.

Myth #2: Dental Hollywood Smiles Look Fake and Unnatural

Many people fear that getting a Hollywood smile makeover might result in an artificial or ‘plastic’ look. While there might have been some truth to this in the past, modern cosmetic dentistry has evolved significantly. Today, dentists can create smile makeovers that look and feel completely natural. Treatments and materials are personalized to match each patient’s unique facial features, ensuring that their new smile complements their overall appearance and personality.

Myth #3: Dental Hollywood Smiles are Painful and Require Extensive Procedures

Another common myth is that obtaining a Hollywood smile is a painful process that requires multiple invasive procedures. While it’s true that some people might need comprehensive treatments, many can achieve their desired results with minimally invasive procedures like teeth whitening or dental bonding. Furthermore, modern dental technologies and anesthesia make these procedures as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

Myth #4: Dental Hollywood Smiles are Only Achievable for Perfect Teeth

Many people believe that a Hollywood smile is only attainable if one already has ‘perfect teeth’ to begin with. This is far from the truth. A Hollywood smile makeover aims to correct imperfections such as discoloration, misalignment, and gaps. Whether you have crooked teeth, stained teeth, or even missing teeth, cosmetic dentistry options can help you achieve a stunning Hollywood smile.

Myth #5: Dental Hollywood Smiles are Expensive and Unaffordable

While a Hollywood smile makeover can be an investment, the belief that it is unaffordable is a myth. The cost of a Hollywood smile varies depending on the procedures needed, and many dental practices offer payment plans and financing options. Moreover, investing in a Hollywood smile makeover can have long-term benefits, enabling people to save money on costly dental treatments.


What Dental Problems Can Be Fixed With a Hollywood Smile Makeover?

A Hollywood smile makeover can involve several procedures tailored to address specific dental issues that you might have. Here are some common dental problems that can be fixed with a Hollywood smile makeover:

Tooth Discolouration

One prevalent issue that a Hollywood smile makeover can address is tooth discoloration. This problem can arise due to various reasons, including aging, certain medications, beverages like coffee and wine, smoking, and poor oral hygiene. Teeth whitening procedures or the application of dental veneers can significantly improve the color of your teeth, providing you with a gleaming white smile characteristic of a Hollywood smile makeover.

Dental Crowding

Teeth that are crowded or misaligned can affect your smile and overall oral health, making cleaning more difficult and leading to other issues like gum disease and cavities. Orthodontic treatments such as braces or Invisalign can rectify this issue by aligning your teeth properly. In certain cases, dental veneers can also be used to create the illusion of well-aligned teeth.

Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can significantly impact your smile and lead to other issues, such as shifting of remaining teeth, changes in your bite, and jawbone deterioration. Dental implants, bridges, or dentures can replace missing teeth, restoring functionality and aesthetics to your smile.

Broken or Crooked Teeth

Broken, chipped, or crooked teeth can be addressed in a Hollywood smile makeover with dental crowns, bonding, or veneers, improving the appearance and strength of the affected teeth. These procedures can restore the shape of your teeth and give you a more uniform, pleasing smile.

Gummy Smile

A gummy smile, where more of your gum tissue is visible than you’d like, can also be corrected in a Hollywood smile makeover. Procedures such as gum contouring or a surgical lift can reshape the gum line and create a more balanced smile, showing less gum and more of your beautiful teeth.


How Can a Hollywood Smile Improve Your Confidence?

A radiant, well-crafted smile can do wonders for your confidence and self-esteem. Here are a few ways a Hollywood smile can enhance your confidence:

You’d Make a Good First Impression

A bright, attractive smile can significantly impact first impressions. It often indicates health, happiness, and warmth, making you appear more approachable and sociable. Whether you’re attending a job interview, going on a date, or meeting new people, a Hollywood smile can help you make a positive and lasting first impression.

Better Mental Health

Feeling self-conscious about your smile can lead to anxiety and reduced self-esteem. Correcting dental issues and achieving a Hollywood smile improves oral health and mental well-being. When you’re confident about your smile, you will likely feel happier and more positive in your daily life.

Obtaining “Perfectly White Teeth”

Discolored teeth can often make individuals hesitant to smile openly. Having perfectly white teeth through a Hollywood smile makeover can instill a newfound sense of confidence, allowing you to smile without hesitation.

No More Gaps

Missing teeth can affect the way you talk, eat, and smile. Filling in these gaps through a Hollywood smile makeover improves the functionality of your teeth and enhances your smile’s aesthetics. This change can significantly improve your self-confidence and quality of life.


Interested in a Hollywood Smile? Determine if It’s the Right Fit for You!

The decision to get a Hollywood Smile makeover is personal, requiring careful consideration. It’s important to clearly understand the procedures involved, the benefits they offer, and their suitability for your specific needs and circumstances.

If you’re dreaming of that perfect Hollywood Smile in Metro Manila, it’s time to turn that dream into reality. Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center in Metro Manila offers comprehensive cosmetic dentistry services, including Hollywood Smile makeovers. We invite you to seek professional advice and consultation with our Hollywood Smile clinic in Metro Manila by calling 0917-8724929. We can provide personalized treatment options tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.



Is Hollywood Smile the Same as Veneers?

While veneers can be a part of a Hollywood Smile makeover, they are not the same thing. A Hollywood Smile refers to a comprehensive smile makeover package, which aims to achieve an ideally perfect smile. This can involve various treatments, such as teeth whitening, orthodontics, dental crowns, implants, and yes, veneers.

Is Hollywood Smile a Surgery?

A Hollywood Smile makeover does not always involve surgery. It often includes non-surgical cosmetic dental procedures such as teeth whitening, veneers, or bonding. However, in some cases, surgical procedures like dental implants or gum contouring might be a part of a Hollywood Smile makeover, depending on the individual’s specific dental needs.

Is Hollywood Smile Fake Teeth?

A Hollywood Smile doesn’t necessarily imply fake teeth. While it involves enhancing the aesthetics of your smile, the procedures can work with your natural teeth using treatments like whitening, orthodontics, or veneers. However, if missing or severely damaged teeth exist, restorative procedures like crowns, bridges, or implants, which could be considered “artificial” teeth, could be used.

How Many teeth are included in a Hollywood Smile treatment?

A Hollywood Smile makeover generally involves enhancing all visible teeth in your smile line. This usually means the front 6 to 10 teeth in both the upper and lower jaws, although the exact number can vary depending on the individual’s smile characteristics.

How to Maintain a Hollywood Smile?

Maintaining a Hollywood Smile involves good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups. Additionally, it may be recommended to reduce the consumption of staining foods and drinks like coffee, tea, and wine and to avoid smoking. If your smile makeover includes restorations like veneers, crowns, or implants, you should follow your dentist’s specific care instructions to ensure their longevity.


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Overview of Dental Implants and Other Tooth Replacement Options Fri, 19 Jan 2024 06:40:29 +0000 In dentistry, dental implants have revolutionized the way we replace missing teeth, offering a functional and aesthetic tooth replacement solution. At present, dental implants are the closest thing to real...

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In dentistry, dental implants have revolutionized the way we replace missing teeth, offering a functional and aesthetic tooth replacement solution. At present, dental implants are the closest thing to real teeth, among the options for tooth replacement.


What is a Dental Implant?

Dental Implants are designed to replace lost teeth. Unlike dentures or bridges, dental implants mimic the entire structure of a natural tooth, from the root to the crown, providing superior comfort, functionality, and appearance.


Why is a Dental Implant Needed?

When you lose a tooth, it leaves a gap in your smile and results in the loss of the tooth’s root. The absence of the root can lead to bone loss in the jaw over time, altering the facial structure and causing healthy teeth to shift, leading to further oral health issues.

Dental implants offer a solution to these problems. They replace the visible part of the tooth (known as the crown) and the root. The implant, a titanium post, integrates with the bone in your jaw, providing stable support for the replacement tooth and stimulating the bone to prevent further loss.


What are the Components of a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are typically composed of three main parts:

The Implant Fixture

The implant fixture, often made of titanium, serves as an artificial root for the replacement tooth. It is surgically placed into the jawbone, where it integrates with the bone in a process known as osseointegration. This process typically takes a few months and provides a solid foundation for the replacement tooth.

The Abutment

The abutment is a connector that’s placed on top of the dental implant to hold and support the crown. It’s usually made of titanium, gold, or porcelain, and it’s designed to provide a secure and stable attachment point for the new tooth.

The Crown

The crown is the implant part that looks like a natural tooth. It’s custom-made to match your natural teeth color, shape, and size for a seamless appearance. The abutment serves as the anchor for the crown, seamlessly finalizing the dental implant and reinstating both the functionality and aesthetic appeal of the absent tooth.


What Are the Common Types of Dental Implants?

There are several types of dental implants available, each designed to address specific needs and circumstances:

Single Tooth Implant

A single-tooth implant replaces one missing tooth. It consists of a single implant fixture, an abutment, and a crown. This type of implant is ideal for individuals who have lost one tooth due to decay, gum disease, or injury.

Implant-Supported Bridge

An implant-supported bridge is used to replace several missing teeth in a row. Instead of replacing each tooth with a separate implant, two or more implant fixtures are placed in the jawbone to support a dental bridge. This option is less invasive and more cost-effective than placing an individual implant for each missing tooth.

All-on-4 Implants

All-on-4 implants provide a solution for patients who have lost all their upper or lower teeth. This technique involves placing four implants in the jaw, onto which a full teeth arch is attached. The All-on-4 method allows for immediate function and requires fewer implants than traditional methods, making it a quicker and more cost-effective solution for full-mouth rehabilitation.


3-on-6 Dental Implants

The 3-on-6 dental implant technique involves placing three implants in the upper jaw and three in the lower jaw. A set of prosthetic teeth is then attached to these six implants, providing a full set of upper and lower teeth. This method is ideal for patients who have sufficient bone density in their jaws and can be a more comfortable and natural-feeling alternative to traditional dentures.


What Are the Pros and Cons of Dental Implants?


Dental implants come with a plethora of benefits that make them a preferred choice for tooth replacement. Here’s a closer look at the key advantages:

Enhanced Appearance

Dental implants are designed to fuse with the bone and mirror your natural teeth, enhancing your overall appearance. A significant advantage is their ability to preserve bone, preventing bone loss in the jaw. This preservation helps maintain facial structure, reducing the appearance of aging often associated with missing teeth.

Durability and Longevity

One of the most significant advantages of dental implants is their durability. Unlike dentures or bridges, which might need replacement after several years, implants offer a more permanent solution. They provide independent support to each tooth, reducing stress on your remaining natural teeth. With proper care and regular dental check-ups, implants can last between 15 and 25 years or even a lifetime.

Improved Oral Health

Dental implants contribute to improved oral health in several ways. They prevent remaining teeth from shifting into the empty spaces left by missing teeth. Dental implants offer a distinct advantage over tooth-supported bridges as they eliminate the need to alter adjacent teeth. This preservation of your natural teeth promotes long-term oral health, as more of your teeth remain intact. Also, individual implants allow easier access between teeth, enhancing oral hygiene.

Convenience and Comfort

As part of your mouth, dental implants eliminate the inconvenience of removing dentures. They don’t require adhesives to fix them in place and are easy to clean, similar to natural teeth. Since they’re fixed in the mouth, you can chew and speak normally without worrying about them slipping, providing ultimate comfort and convenience.

Improved Self-Confidence

Dental implants, designed to look and feel like your natural teeth, can greatly improve your self-esteem. You can smile, eat, and engage in social activities without worrying about how your teeth look or whether your dentures might slip or cause discomfort.

Improved Dental Hygiene

Unlike dentures requiring special cleaning, dental implants can be brushed and flossed just like your natural teeth. This ease of cleaning, combined with their capacity to preserve bone and gum tissue, improves oral health and hygiene in the long run.



While dental implants offer numerous benefits, like any medical procedure, they do come with potential drawbacks as well:

Surgical Procedure

Getting dental implants is a surgical procedure. It involves multiple stages, including tooth extraction (if needed), implant placement, and abutment and artificial tooth placement. This multi-step process can be daunting for some individuals, particularly those with dental anxieties or certain health conditions.

Surgical Risks and Complications

Like any surgery, dental implant surgery comes with inherent risks. Dental implant complications may include infection at the implant site, harm to adjacent teeth or blood vessels, nerve damage leading to pain or numbness, and potential sinus complications if implants in the upper jaw extend into sinus cavities.

Bone Loss and Gum Recession

If there’s not enough healthy bone in your jaw, you might not be able to get a dental implant until after bone grafting. In some cases, if the bone underneath the implant doesn’t heal properly, the implant may not be stable. Over time, bone loss (osteonecrosis) could occur. Similarly, gum recession might happen, potentially revealing part of the metal implant and affecting the aesthetics of your smile.

Healing Time

The process of getting dental implants can be lengthy, often taking several months from start to finish due to the required healing time between procedures. During this period, you might need to follow a soft food diet, which some people find inconvenient.


Dental implants are typically more expensive than other tooth-replacement methods, such as bridges or dentures. While they may be more cost-effective in the long run due to their longevity, the initial cost can be a significant factor for many individuals.


What are My Other Options if I Have a Missing Tooth?

If you have a missing tooth and are exploring options beyond dental implants, there are several alternatives available:

Fixed Bridge

A fixed bridge, referred to as a traditional dental bridge, consists of creating a crown for the tooth or implant adjacent to the missing tooth, with an artificial tooth (pontic) in between. The adjacent teeth need to be prepared by removing some of the enamel to make room for the crowns that will be cemented onto them. This procedure offers a fixed, non-removable solution for a missing tooth.

Resin-Retained Bridge

A resin-retained bridge, also known as a Maryland bridge, is a less invasive alternative to a traditional bridge. It consists of a pontic that’s held in place by a metal or porcelain framework. This framework is bonded onto the backs of the two teeth adjacent to the missing tooth. Unlike a traditional bridge, this option doesn’t require removing significant amounts of enamel from the adjacent teeth.

Removable Partial Denture

A removable partial denture is a dental appliance that includes artificial teeth securely held in place by clasps that attach to adjacent natural teeth. You can remove the denture for cleaning or at night. While it may not be as stable or natural as an implant or a bridge, it’s generally less expensive and involves a non-surgical procedure.

Removable Complete Denture

If you’re missing all your teeth (a condition known as edentulism), a removable complete denture can replace them. It’s a full-mouth replacement that sits on top of your gums. Like a partial denture, you can remove it for cleaning or at night.


Interested In Dental Implants? See If They’re Right For You! 

Dental implants offer a highly effective solution for replacing missing teeth, combining both functionality and aesthetics. They can dramatically enhance your quality of life, boosting your confidence and allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods without worry. However, as with any dental procedure, it’s essential to understand what the treatment entails and assess if it fits your specific needs and circumstances.

Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center’s team of experienced dental professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care tailored to your unique needs. We specialize in applying and installing the best dental implants in the Philippines, helping patients restore their smiles and their confidence. If you’re considering dental implants, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us by calling 0917-8724929.



Are Dental Implants Really Necessary?

Whether dental implants are necessary depends on your specific situation. If you’re missing one or more teeth, getting an implant can prevent future oral health issues such as bone loss, difficulty chewing, and changes in the shape of your face. However, there are alternative tooth replacement options available. It’s best to discuss with your dentist to determine the most suitable solution for you.

Are Implants Better Than Real Teeth?

Dental implants are designed to mimic natural teeth’s function and appearance closely. While nothing can truly replace a healthy natural tooth, dental implants are generally considered the next best thing. They are sturdy, durable, and can last many years with proper care.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

With good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups, dental implants can last for many years, often over 25 years. In many cases, they may last a lifetime.

Can You Eat Anything With Dental Implants?

Once your dental implants have healed, you can eat most foods. However, it’s always recommended to maintain a balanced diet for overall health. It’s also advisable to avoid chewing on very hard foods that could damage the implant crown, just as it could a natural tooth.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

Dental implant surgery is usually conducted under anesthesia, ensuring a pain-free experience throughout the procedure. Once the effects of the anesthesia subside, it is common to experience a degree of discomfort, typically alleviated by pain relievers.

Who Should Not Get Dental Implants?

While dental implants are a great solution for many people, they’re not suitable for everyone. People with certain conditions like uncontrolled diabetes, cancer, or severe gum disease may not be candidates for dental implants. Additionally, smokers and those with insufficient bone in the jaw may not be suitable. A dental professional can assess your eligibility.

What is the Best Age for Dental Implants?

There’s no ideal age for dental implants. They are typically placed once the jawbone has fully grown, so they’re usually not used in children. For adults, age is not typically a major factor. Rather, general health and bone density are more important considerations.

How Much Does a Tooth Implant Cost in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, the cost can range from PHP 30,000 to PHP 80,000, based on the case’s complexity, the implant system used, and additional procedures required. Not all dental clinics may offer the same prices, as dental treatments involving implants may be expensive. It’s important to inquire with the specific clinic for an accurate quote based on your individual case. As always, seeking a reputable, experienced dentist for any dental procedure is recommended.


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A Comprehensive Guide to Dental Crowns Fri, 19 Jan 2024 06:30:28 +0000 Our teeth are incredibly durable, but they are not invincible. Over time, dental decay, injuries, or wear and tear can take a toll on our teeth. In these instances, dental...

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Dental crowns procedure | Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

Our teeth are incredibly durable, but they are not invincible. Over time, dental decay, injuries, or wear and tear can take a toll on our teeth. In these instances, dental crowns play an instrumental role in restoring teeth to their optimal function and appearance. Serving as a dental ‘cap,’ they cover damaged or compromised teeth, offering them a new lease on life. Dental crowns not only revitalize the aesthetics of our smile but also reinforce the strength of weakened teeth, enhancing our overall oral health.

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a custom-designed cover, resembling a natural tooth that is placed over a damaged tooth. Once cemented into place, the crown fully covers the visible portion of a tooth above and at the gum line. Dentists often suggest dental crowns as a means to safeguard vulnerable teeth, prevent fractures in cracked teeth, repair broken teeth, or secure dental bridges in position. They can also cover misshapen or severely discolored teeth, adding to the cosmetic appeal of one’s smile.

While dental crowns are typically custom-made to fit the individual tooth (or implant) they cover, pre-fabricated crowns can also be used temporarily. Custom-made crowns are manufactured in a dental laboratory using impressions of the patient’s tooth for a precise fit.


What are the Types of Dental Crowns?

Dental technology has evolved over the years, offering patients a range of dental crown options. Each type comes with its strengths, aesthetic considerations, and potential drawbacks. Here are the primary types of dental crowns:

Metal Crowns

Metal crowns are made from gold, platinum, or base-metal alloys like cobalt-chromium and nickel-chromium. These crowns are incredibly durable, making them ideal for molars, the ‘workhorse’ teeth at the back of the mouth that do most grinding and chewing. Metal crowns rarely chip or break, last the longest in terms of wear and require only a small amount of tooth removal. However, their metallic color is the main drawback, making them a more popular choice for out-of-sight molars rather than front teeth.

Stainless Steel Crowns

Stainless steel crowns are prefabricated crowns used on permanent teeth primarily as a temporary measure. A dentist may fit a stainless steel crown on a child’s primary (baby) tooth that has been prepared to fit it. The crown covers the tooth to protect it from further decay. When the primary tooth comes out to make room for the permanent tooth, the crown comes out naturally with it. These crowns are cost-effective and practical for children’s teeth.

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns

Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns offer a nice balance between durability and aesthetics. They have a stronger structure than porcelain or ceramic due to the underlying metal, and the porcelain exterior can be color-matched to the patient’s natural teeth, providing a more natural appearance than metal crowns. However, they can wear down the teeth opposite them, and the metal under the crown’s porcelain cap sometimes becomes visible as a dark line at the gum line.

All-Ceramic or Porcelain Crowns

All ceramic or all-porcelain crowns are at the top of the range when it comes to matching the color of your natural teeth. They are an excellent option for people with metal allergies. Ideal for front and back teeth, all-ceramic crowns are a perfect combination of strength, durability, and aesthetics, but they might wear down the opposing teeth a little more than metal crowns.

All-Resin Crowns

All-resin crowns are the most cost-effective crown option. Nonetheless, they gradually deteriorate and are more susceptible to fractures than crowns crafted from alternative materials. While they might not be as long-lasting or as strong as other types of crowns, all-resin crowns can be an excellent choice for patients looking for a more economical solution.


Why Are Dental Crowns Needed?

Dental crowns are a highly effective solution for a multitude of oral health issues. They serve a vital role in prosthodontics, the field of dentistry focused on restoring and replacing damaged or lost teeth. Here are several reasons why dental crowns are needed:

To Restore A Badly Decayed Tooth

When a tooth has suffered severe decay, a simple filling might not be sufficient to restore its structure and function. A dental crown can provide the necessary support and protection to the tooth. By covering the decayed tooth entirely, a crown halts further decay, strengthening the tooth and preserving its functionality.

To Replace A Large Worn-Out or Damaged Filling

Over time, large dental fillings can wear out or get damaged, leaving the tooth vulnerable to further decay or injury. In such cases, a dental crown is an excellent solution, acting as a ‘cap’ that provides an added layer of protection, preventing the need for tooth extraction and more complex dental procedures.

To Repair A Cracked, Chipped, Or Broken Tooth

Trauma to the mouth can result in cracked, chipped, or broken teeth. Besides impairing the aesthetics of one’s smile, such damage can lead to discomfort, pain, or infection if left untreated. Dental crowns can cover and protect the damaged area, restoring the tooth’s natural shape and function and preventing further damage or complications.

To Protect A Tooth After A Root Canal

A root canal is a dental procedure performed to remove infected or decayed tissue from inside a tooth. Following a root canal, the tooth often requires a dental crown to reinforce its structure and protect it from fractures, as the tooth can become more brittle and prone to damage after this procedure.

To Cover Up A Tooth For Cosmetic Purposes

In addition to their restorative purposes, dental crowns serve a significant role in cosmetic dentistry. They can cover discolored or misshapen teeth, significantly improving the appearance of one’s smile. With modern dental technology, crowns can be designed to match natural teeth’ color, shape, and size, providing a seamless, attractive result.


How to Maintain and Take Care of Dental Crowns?

While dental crowns are designed to be durable and long-lasting, their lifespan can be significantly extended with proper care. Here are some pivotal steps to ensure the longevity of your dental crowns:

Avoid Sticky, Chewy Foods

Sticky and chewy foods can pose a risk to dental crowns, especially temporary ones, as they have the potential to dislodge them. Foods such as caramel, chewing gum, dried fruits, and certain candies should be consumed sparingly or avoided altogether to protect your crown from becoming loose or falling out.

Avoid Chewing Hard Foods

Hard foods can damage dental crowns, leading to cracks or fractures. It’s advisable to avoid or be very careful when consuming foods like hard candies, ice, raw vegetables, or tough meats. If possible, try using the other side of your mouth to chew hard or crunchy foods.

Minimize Use of the Side of Your Mouth with the Temporary Crown

If you’ve been fitted with a temporary crown while waiting for a permanent one, try to minimize the use of that side of your mouth for chewing. This precaution will reduce the pressure and wear on the temporary crown and prevent it from breaking or falling out.

Slide Rather Than Lift Out Dental Floss When Cleaning

When cleaning your teeth with dental floss, it’s better to slide the floss out from the side of the crown rather than lifting it out. Lifting the floss out can dislodge the crown, especially if it’s temporary.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is fundamental to prolonging the life of your dental crown. Regular brushing and flossing can prevent tooth decay and gum disease, both of which can undermine the health of the tooth supporting the crown. Use toothpaste with fluoride and a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent damaging the crown surface.

Opt for Interdental Cleaners

Interdental cleaners, such as oral irrigators or dental water flossers, can effectively clean around dental crowns and prevent plaque buildup without risking damage to the crown. They can be an excellent addition to your oral hygiene routine.

Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Grinding or clenching your teeth can cause considerable damage to dental crowns. If you have a habit of grinding your teeth, especially at night, it’s worth discussing with your dentist about getting a night guard. This device will protect your crowns and your natural teeth from the damaging effects of grinding and clenching.


How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

The durability of a dental crown can greatly differ depending on various factors, like the material utilized for the crown, its placement in the mouth, and the individual’s oral hygiene habits. These aspects play a crucial role in determining the longevity of the crown. Dental crowns typically have a lifespan of 5 to 15 years on average. However, with meticulous care and regular dental check-ups, some crowns can last for decades or even a lifetime.

It’s important to note that even well-cared-for crowns can sometimes become loose or fall out. If you notice signs of wear, damage, or discomfort around your crown, it’s crucial to seek professional dental advice promptly. Regular dental check-ups can also help detect any issues early before they become problematic.


Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center – The Dental Crown Specialist in Makati

At Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center, we understand the importance of a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile. As the leading dental crown clinic in Makati and the metro, we are committed to providing high-quality dental crowns tailored to your specific needs. Our team of skilled dentists and dental technicians ensures that each crown is expertly fitted to give you the comfort, aesthetics, and durability you deserve.

Whether it’s your first time getting a dental crown or you require a replacement, we are here to guide you through every step of the process. We use the latest dental technology and materials to create crowns that enhance your smile and boost your oral health and quality of life. Don’t hesitate to call 0917-8724929 when scheduling an appointment with our high end Makati dental clinic.



What Are the Disadvantages of Crowns?

While dental crowns are a highly effective restorative procedure, they do have some potential disadvantages, such as costs, complex procedure, among others:

  • It can be costly, depending on the material used.
  • The process of fitting a crown can be invasive and sometimes requires tooth structure to be removed.
  • It might require more than one dental visit, especially for custom-made crowns.
  • There’s a slight risk of sensitivity or discomfort after the procedure.
  • Like natural teeth, crowns can still be subject to damage and decay.

Is It Better to Get a Crown or Pull the Tooth?

The decision to get a crown or extract the tooth depends on the extent of tooth damage and the patient’s overall oral health. Generally, dentists aim to preserve the natural tooth as much as possible. This is usually the preferred route if the tooth’s function and appearance can be restored with a crown. Extraction is usually a last resort, followed by a denture, bridge, or implant replacement.

Are Crowns Safer Than Implants?

Both crowns and implants are safe dental procedures but serve different purposes. Crowns are used to cover and protect a damaged tooth, while implants replace the entire tooth, from root to crown, when a tooth is missing or needs to be extracted. The choice between the two depends on the patient’s specific dental needs.


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Nightguard after getting veneers, is it really required? Thu, 18 May 2023 08:44:24 +0000 In our clinic, new patients come in daily getting a consult on how they can achieve their dream smile or to get an #Apostolified smile. We never forget to do...

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In our clinic, new patients come in daily getting a consult on how they can achieve their dream smile or to get an #Apostolified smile. We never forget to do a thorough assessment of the oral cavity, get diagnostics, xrays AND discuss the contemplated treatment plan with prices to our patients.

Getting a smile makeover IS NOT CHEAP. We will always tell our patients that should they wish to move on with the plan, this will be their investment for themselves – and we are not just talking about money here, they will also be investing their time and effort and would have to go through all the process (sometimes facing their fears too (of dentists, and or needles lol)).

Part of the items we tell them a patient should get after getting their smile makeover is a NIGHTGUARD.

  • What is a NIGHTGUARD?

Nightguard after getting veneers | Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

It is a custom fit dental appliance that patients wear (mostly during night time/ sleeping) to protect the teeth from getting damaged due to grinding/bruxism or clenching while sleeping. Some patients do wear this even if they don’t have veneers just to be able to prevent progression of effect of their grinding at night.

Here are some sample photos of effects of bruxism:

Effects of bruxism | Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center Dental bruxism | Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

Without a nightguard, the effects will progress and teeth will become smaller and shorter and possible chance of having teeth sensitivity in the long run.


  • Why is it NECESSARY to wear a nightguard after getting veneers done?

The custom fit nightguard acts as a protective barrier for your upper and lower teeth and most especially protects the veneers from getting chipped, dislodged or have teeth mobility.

Once you have veneers, it doesn’t mean it will stay that way forever, if you don’t do something on your part to take care of it. Just like getting a brand new car – some customers place protective film to protect the paint, that’s also what a nightguard does to your teeth – in terms of protection on grinding and other factors that happen during sleeping – the time when you are unconscious.


  • I NEVER experienced bruxism, I don’t grind my teeth during sleeping, can I have the option not to wear a nightguard after getting veneers?

Unfortunately not. We still ALWAYS recommend our patient to get a custom fit nightguard after getting veneers/ smile makeover.

You see when you get veneers, there will be changes to your teeth – and we are not just saying the aesthetics part. Anatomy and morphology will be changed that MAY affect functionality (for the better). And when we say there will be changes, it’s true in nature that one may adjust not only to the new smile but overall bite too – which may cause some or little grinding on the first few months of getting your new veneers – again due to the adjustment period.

So with a nightguard, your adaptation period will go smoothly and help ensure/protect your veneers while going through that period.

Your veneers are expensive, it is always good to have protection – to protect your teeth investment.


  • Is protection of your teeth / veneers the ONLY purpose of a nightguard?

Protection of your teeth and veneers is the MAIN purpose of a nightguard BUT it can also help reduce negative side effects of bruxism such as pain in the jaw or even facial pain*.

  Negative side effects of bruxism | Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center
*some cases


As much as we want to say nightguard is optional, sorry to say but we really highly advise and recommend for patients to wear it. We know it’s another adjustment on your part, but this will save you a lot! In time, you will adjust to wearing it and just like some of our other patients who were adamant about it at first – now, they just couldn’t sleep without it, as it already became a part of their routine when sleeping.

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Cost of Veneers in the Philippines Wed, 19 Apr 2023 10:50:49 +0000 Veneers dental procedure is getting very popular nowadays because this is an aesthetic procedure that can definitely enhance not just one’s smile but also total facial appearance. It can also...

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Veneers dental procedure is getting very popular nowadays because this is an aesthetic procedure that can definitely enhance not just one’s smile but also total facial appearance. It can also help boost a patient’s confidence because of the total transformation it can provide.

It is important to note – Cost of Veneers in the Philippines vary.


  1. Material used (Composite, Emax Porcelain, Zirconia, Feldspathic, etc.)
  2. Cosmetic Dentist’s level of expertise
  3. Clinic’s reputation (quality of service provided, portfolio/ results produced)
  4. Clinic’s location
  5. Complexity of the Case

Let’s get into detail on the given reasons above:


Here in our clinic, we only use three materials: Composite*, Emax Porcelain, and Zirconia

  1. Direct Composite Veneers – P12,000 to P15,000 per tooth
  2. Indirect Emax Porcelain or Zirconia Veneers – P32,000 per tooth

(Prices above only applies to our clinic, other clinics offer less or more depends on where you visit)

*Note – we seldom use composite material – only for special cases and mostly for smile design. Composite material is not long lasting as it can easily chip, break and stain. On the other hand, emax porcelain and zirconia may last for decades if patient will take care of it.

As for emax porcelain and zirconia, our clinic offers 3 year warranty for the ceramics (compromised or complicated cases not included). If debonding, cracks, etc. occur, then we shall replace it (patient is given a nightguard to aid in these occurrences not to happen).



Experienced cosmetic dentists will charge more or price higher than a newbie dentist. Remember that education combined with years of experience in the field will always help the practitioner grow his/her craft. A high level cosmetic dentist with solid knowledge would know how to approach the case (whether easy or complex) better and in return provide better results.



Is the clinic known for creating veneers? Has the clinic created a wide array of cases? Do they pride themselves with a great portfolio they can show to their patients? Do they have a lot of actual patient feedback who had veneers in the past and said they were satisfied?

If the answers to the above questions are yes, then they can definitely charge high price because of the factors above.



Cost of veneers in the Philippines will vary in terms of location of the clinic. If the clinic you’ve chosen is located in a prime spot, or city center, or in the metro – expect their price to be higher compared to perhaps the province or other locations.



Each patient, each case, is different from the other. There is no same or exact case. One case could be easy and the other case could be more difficult or complex. Generally, a more difficult case would cost higher because there will be different and additional techniques to be done in order to complete a complex case. Furthermore, there might be other specialists who would be needed to assist in accomplishing the case.


Veneers in general is really an expensive dental treatment but it can be life changing for most patients. Some of our patients would say it’s an investment you will never regret.

Want to know more about veneers, you may check out our blog:


Have other inquiries? You can message or call us directly 09178724929.

Address – G/F Electra House Bldg., Esteban St., Legaspi Village, Makati City.

Check out our social media accounts as well –

  1. Facebook – Makati dentist by Apostol Dental
  2. Instagram – @Apostoldental
  3. Tiktok – Apostol Dental
  4. Youtube Channel – Apostol Dental

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Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry Tue, 28 Mar 2023 10:18:49 +0000 “I’m not happy with my smile!” “I feel so insecure with the way my teeth looks” “I’ve got good sets of teeth before, but now it got worse, I want...

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“I’m not happy with my smile!”

“I feel so insecure with the way my teeth looks”

“I’ve got good sets of teeth before, but now it got worse, I want to bring back my youthful smile!”

“My teeth are so discolored and full of stains, I want to make it whiter and brighter”

All these statements are some of the things our patients mostly complain here at the clinic during their initial consultation with us. Everyday, we deal with this kind of patients’ concerns but every case is different, every treatment plan is different, how to solve their teeth problems is different and even how to handle a patient is different too!

Our clinic is designed to not only treat your usual dental problems such as filling of cavities or regular cleaning or oral prophylaxis, but to go over and beyond offering restorative and cosmetic dentistry.

Why do we offer this kind of treatment? Allow us to share with you some benefits of cosmetic dentistry:

  1. Improves Oral Health – yes we call it cosmetic dentistry, but here in our clinic the first and most important consideration in doing treatments is to make the tooth/teeth healthy. Health first before aesthetics, we not only improve the outside appearance, but also the inside of the tooth too. We ensure to check everything and if there are underlying problems that will affect oral health – we treat that first. Example, tooth that is being considered for veneers is infected – we possibly need to do root canal first. Another perspective is that when the teeth are straighter, flossing is easier to do, hence risk of getting gum problems is lower at the same time.
  2. Enhances the Overall Appearance – Cosmetic dentistry can help change your smile – color, shape, morphology, anatomy of the teeth, even lips, gums, etc. Your overall appearance. This branch of dentistry can definitely help you look and feel more beautiful.
  3. Confidence Booster – Getting your teeth fixed and having a better smile can help remove some of your insecurities. You will start feeling better about yourself because you’ll be able to get that smile you’ve always wanted and one that will help you look more fabulous than ever. You’ll be able to smile more, talk more, live freely, attend gatherings without any hesitation and more!
  4. Better Bite & Functionality – Some people suffer from wrong bite that affect their facial profile, with a better bite it can help restore your face as well, you’ll be able to eat better, plus get improved quality of life.
  5. Great Investment – The ceramics that we place on your teeth is expected to last for more than a decade (we don’t give any guarantee as it’s always case to case basis but if taken care of well, this can and may really happen). It will transform your smile and will help develop self – esteem.

Cosmetic Dentistry before and after | Apostol Dental Cosmetic CenterCosmetic Dentistry before and after 2 | Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

Still undecided to get veneers? You may book an appointment with us to know more about how this treatment can help you personally. We shall create a suitable treatment for you, discuss the prices, whole process, maintenance, and more.

Have other inquiries? You can message or call us directly 09178724929.

Address – G/F Electra House Bldg., Esteban St., Legaspi Village, Makati City.

Check out our social media accounts as well –

  1. Facebook – Makati dentist by Apostol Dental
  2. Instagram – @Apostoldental
  3. Tiktok – Apostol Dental
  4. Youtube Channel – Apostol Dental


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How Long does it take to Complete the Process for Veneers? Tue, 31 Jan 2023 09:07:28 +0000 Here at Apostol Dental, we take pride in having our own in – house laboratory. We have our own dental technicians, own machines such as Cad Cam Machine, 3D printer,...

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Here at Apostol Dental, we take pride in having our own in – house laboratory. We have our own dental technicians, own machines such as Cad Cam Machine, 3D printer, ovens, and a whole lot more!

Complete process for veneers 4 - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

Complete process for veneers 1 - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

Complete process for veneers 2 - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

With this, we can say that we can normally finish a case in 7 days – this is if the patient does not have any underlying conditions such as dental infection, teeth fracture, etc.

Some people based overseas have limited time and ask sometimes if we can complete in 3 – 5 days, and to tell you honestly, we still can ! However there is an additional premium as our team needs to render extra work hours.


During the first visit, we see the patient and do thorough consultation – we check the whole oral cavity and get radiographs and impression as well. We discuss the treatment plan (complete with costing / quotation) and if the patient says it’s a go on their part, we can start the process right away – again, to reiterate, this is if there are no underlying problems or conditions with the patient. Should there be any problems upon assessment of the case, then we need to deal with the problem first before we can move on with the actual veneers process.

Complete process for veneers 3 - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

After 7 days, we ask the patient to come back as the ceramics are ready for final installation. During this visit, it will take around 2-3 hours (more or less) to complete the session.

Complete process for veneers - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center Complete process for veneers 5 - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

After a day (but could be two or three days after), we ask the patient to once again come back for the final session which is follow – up. We clean the excess cement, we deliver the nightguard and check the overall bite.


In our clinic, though we are popular in creating veneers, our approach is always – Health first, function next and lastly dental aesthetics. We don’t do shortcuts, we don’t do compromises and we always discuss with the patient complete information when undergoing this procedure.

If there are additional questions or concerns –  we make sure to attend to it.

In summary, veneers process can only take a week or 7 days to complete and we can now call the patient – certified #Apostolified.



Everything is always case to case basis and our protocol in the clinic is we do consultation and checkup prior doing anything with the patient’s teeth. The information and process above is for everyone’s reference – some things may change during the actual assessment with the patient.

For more questions on the process, you can message us at our social media accounts:

  1. Facebook – Makati Dentist by Apostol Dental
  2. Instagram – @ApostolDental

We hope to see you here at the clinic SOON!

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Helping People Solve their Insecurities through Getting an #Apostolified Fixed Bridge. Mon, 19 Sep 2022 09:41:13 +0000 Over the years, we have encountered several patients whose problems or chief complaint is having missing teeth (front teeth to be more specific), which has resulted to the development of...

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Over the years, we have encountered several patients whose problems or chief complaint is having missing teeth (front teeth to be more specific), which has resulted to the development of their insecurity. These patients couldn’t talk confidently, couldn’t smile in front of other people without the need to cover their mouths, couldn’t express and laugh hard during gatherings. These kinds of patients hold back their emotions because of their current situation. They are very conscious especially when dealing with others.


So what do these patients have so as to conceal the edentulous area/s – removable partial denture or old porcelain fused to metal bridges.


A. Sample Removable Complete Denture

Sample Removable Complete Denture - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center


B. Sample Old Porcelain Fused to Metal Bridges/Crowns

Sample Old Porcelain Fused to Metal Bridges/Crowns - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center Old Porcelain Fused to Metal Bridges/Crowns - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

With those type of restorations above, yes they will have a complete smile BUT will it make them fully happy or confident about themselves? Most of them who visited us, they don’t.

So this is where we come in.


We have nothing against removable dentures or porcelain fused to metal bridge, it’s just that times have changed and in the event of modern dentistry, we can and are now able to help our patients feel more confidently beautiful about themselves and solve their problems.

Dental Implant is one way of restoring missing teeth, but due to lack of time and sometimes budget – they would opt for our second best offer which is zirconia fixed bridge.


What really is a fixed bridge? It is a custom device anchored to adjacent teeth that replaces one or more missing teeth. A fixed bridge is commonly cemented to the natural teeth next to the space left by the missing tooth/teeth.


How is it different from a removable partial denture? Fixed bridge is literally fixed – fixed or cemented to the present natural teeth which means the patient or even any dentist cannot remove it easily unlike the removable partial denture which can be removed at any time, at any moment as the patient wish.

So why and how can we say that getting an #Apostolified fixed bridge can help solve our patients insecurities? Here are some reasons:


  1. We make sure that the restoration will look very natural. Meaning it looks like real teeth, not fake, hence people (even the patient itself) wouldn’t know they have missing teeth.
  2. Patients will not be scared of it being loose or suddenly just fall off out of nowhere– which can happen with removable dentures case, most especially if it’s loose or does not fit well.
  3. Our fixed bridge especially zirconia material doesn’t stain, or get discolored, no black margin lines (unlike porcelain fused to metal).
  4. It is very durable and you may eat normally using this type of bridge.
  5. It will complement your face and even your personality, that’s what we call dentofacial aesthetics which our very own Dr. Jonas Apostol is an expert of


We are proud to say that not only have we changed many smiles, but also their lives. Our patients can better express themselves more and you can see genuine happiness in them after the smile transformation.


Here are some of our works for your reference:

Sample Zirconia fixed bridge before and after 2- Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center Sample Zirconia fixed bridge before and after- Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

Sample Zirconia fixed bridge before and after 1- Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center Zirconia fixed bridge before and after 2 - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

Though we have created a lot of successful zirconia fixed bridge cases, it will always differ from one patient to another – assessment is always the key and is always the first step.


We hope to see you here at the clinic!


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Direct Composite Veneers VS Emax Porcelain Veneers Thu, 10 Feb 2022 00:44:10 +0000 One of the most common questions asked in our social media accounts – What is the difference between Direct Composite Veneers and Emax Porcelain Veneers. People are confused as to...

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One of the most common questions asked in our social media accounts – What is the difference between Direct Composite Veneers and Emax Porcelain Veneers. People are confused as to what material they should choose or get. Let us tell you right now that the dentists should recommend what is best for you, hence, be able to guide you as well what material you should choose.

So, it is always best to have an initial assessment so that the dentist can check clinically and radiographically your case and from there, create the most suitable treatment plan for you as well as the material of veneers.


Let’s start with Direct Composite Veneers.

 Here are some samples of direct composite smiles:

Direct Composite Veneers 1 - Apostol Dental Cosmetic CenterDirect Composite Veneers 2 - Apostol Dental Cosmetic CenterDirect Composite Veneers - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

All these patients had discolored teeth and unbalanced smile. As you can see, color is now even and look beautiful. This is a nice material as it can help give natural and gorgeous result. This is also the cheapest (in price) among all veneers material we have. This may also be completed in 1 day (depends on the case) – relatively a fast and quick procedure. This can also easily be manipulated meaning changing of the shade or altering the height is relatively easy and more possible to do without having to replace the actual veneer (case to case basis). So, those are the advantages.

But did you know that this material is not really good for long term solution? Why? This material may easily stain – and we’re not just talking about coffee stains, but even wine, chocolate even tomato sauces, etc.

Another thing is this is very very prone to chipping off because this is not much of a durable material compared to other veneer materials.

Lastly, it is handmade, so there is a possibility that there will be some minor discrepancies in terms of length, width, etc.

But let us be clear, we have seen direct composite veneers that lasted for 8-10 years. The question is – does it still look good? Answer is – not as good as when it was first done.


Let’s now proceed with Emax Porcelain Veneers.

Here are some samples of Emax porcelain smiles:

Emax Porcelain Veneers 1 - Apostol Dental Cosmetic CenterEmax Porcelain Veneers 2 - Apostol Dental Cosmetic CenterEmax Porcelain Veneers 3 - Apostol Dental Cosmetic Center

This type of material can mimic the natural anatomy and morphology of a natural tooth. Line angles, mamelons, incisal edges, etc. The concerns of the patients are also discolored restorations, misalignment, uneven smile, and the likes. All the smiles here are also beautiful but checking the details – these veneers look more natural compared to the direct composite result. If you are a coffee drinker or fond of eating/drinking colored food then this is more apt for you as this is stain resistant. This is also not prone to chipping because the material itself is very durable. This may also last for more than a decade if the patient will take care of it very well. So, those are the advantages.

On the other hand, this material is also more expensive than direct composite.

In terms of timeline, this will be completed in more than a week – so this takes longer to do as the ceramics are not handmade inside the patient’s mouth. The ceramics are being fabricated in the laboratory and a machine is being used to produce these.

This is also difficult to alter – meaning if you want to change the shade or add height to the final cemented veneers – the only way to do it is by replacing it.


Beautiful smiles achieved with different materials used. If you will ask us which material is better – our general answer is that porcelain would be more superior. But would we always recommend that to our patient? Of course not. We will always always assess the case first then from there, recommend what is applicable for our patient.


As you can see with the photos above. Whichever material you choose or will be placed on you will give great results and the aesthetic advantage you deserve. What we should always put in mind is that will this be good for long term or you just want a short term solution for yourself. Remember that getting veneers is a commitment and investment at the same time. You have to commit to having and practicing good oral hygiene plus veneers is costly too, so you should invest on something that will benefit you in the long haul.


The post Direct Composite Veneers VS Emax Porcelain Veneers appeared first on Apostol.
