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You can’t show your teeth in public because you feel and see that it’s bad.

You don’t like the color of your teeth because it is yellowish, or badly stained.

You seem to have small teeth, you want to make it longer.

You have crooked teeth and you want to make it aligned.

Or…You simply want to enhance your smile and feel more confidently beautiful then veneers might be the solution for YOU!


What are VENEERS?

Veneers are ultra-thin shells of porcelain or composite resin material used to reinvigorate the natural look of your teeth. They are custom made to fit over the patient’s teeth. This procedure requires little or no anesthesia and can be an ideal option for improving the appearance of the front teeth. Veneers are one of the most popular methods for improving the overall appearance of your smile.

What we OFFER

Different types of veneers that we offer in our clinic:

  1. Direct Composite Veneers – This type of veneer is made from composite resin and are placed and molded directly on your teeth. This procedure can be completed in a day or in 1 appointment. These may not last long as compared to other materials. This may last 3 to 7 years (or more depends on how you take care of it). This is also our cheapest material for veneers.


BEFORE                                                             AFTER

2. Indirect Ceramage Veneers – This type of veneer is zirconium silicate which creates indirect restorations mimic the      look of our natural teeth, maintaining great translucency of the teeth which makes it look more life like. We need at              least 7 days to complete this procedure as the veneers are being made in a laboratory which takes time to produce.                This material may last for 5 to 7 years (or more depends on how you take care of it).

BEFORE                                                             AFTER

3.  Indirect Emax Porcelain Veneers – This type of veneer is the most popular and most used type of veneer around the      world as this lasts for a very long time (10 years or more as long as you take care of it very well). We need at least 7 days      to complete this procedure as the veneers are being made in a laboratory which takes time to produce. This material is        highly recommended option where the original tooth has developed very bad color, and shape. This is also a good                choice for fractured teeth, gaps, and badly positioned teeth that causes bite-related problems.

BEFORE                                                             AFTER



In order for veneers to work for you, your teeth need to be strong and healthy. Before we start with the procedure, we make sure everything is good to go – patient has no underlying problems, teeth are stable, etc.

Getting veneers is not reversible. Making your veneers last long will greatly depend on how you take care of it. There is no special maintenance for your veneers but you have to be committed to do the following:

  • Have topnotch oral hygiene by brushing every after meal and flossing regularly
  • Avoid eating anything hard or using your veneers for tearing food packaging
  • Visiting the dentist every quarter
  • Wear a night guard everytime your sleep, for extra protection of the veneers


It’s a LIFE-CHANGING experience.

Veneers may seem promising and can definitely change not only your smile, perhaps your life iin general (gaining more confidence in yourself, feeling extra pretty or more handsome, meeting the man/woman of your dreams after having the smile makeover).

Know that it is still always best to see us for initial assessment or consultation. Unfortunately, veneers aren’t for everyone. This is the reason why seeing us for initial assessment or consultation is still best to know whether or not you’re a good candidate for this procedure. We need to check everything to make sure there are no underlying problems that may lead to failure of veneers in the future. Through consultation, we are also able to discuss with the patient if they have “teeth requests” such as shade preference, length of the teeth, etc. so that we can design the smile fit for them.